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White Card

White Card

CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry


Check Online Bookings for Dates Available


6 hours


North Geelong



CPCWHS1001 Work Safely in the construction industry (Whitecard)

This unit of competency specifies the mandatory work health and safety training required prior to undertaking construction work.

This course will provide you with the skills & knowledge to demonstrate personal awareness and knowledge of health and safety legislative requirements in order to work safely and prevent injury or harm to self and others.
Who can enrol in this qualification

All persons, minimum 14 years of age, who may be required to enter any construction site in a range of situations, including owner builders, volunteers and workplace settings.
Suitabilitiy Requirements

A Pre-training review is conducted prior to enrolment in order to determine a student has the satisfactory language, literacy, numeracy and oral communication
skills to identify and control construction hazards and risk. A general state of health and fitness to select and fit common personal protective equipment (PPE) used for construction work.
What do I need to enrol?

A USI*, 100points of Identification(The combination of
documents presented to the accredited assessor must
include your date of birth, current residential address, photograph and signature):

Birth Certificate or Passport (70Points each)
Current Australian driver’s or boat licence (40Points)
Current state/territory proof of age,photocard, Defence ID (40Points)
Current Medicare card, Centrelink, Credit Cards(25Points each) A full list available on request.
What do I need to bring to training?

2 Black pens, High Vis Top, Safety boots
*USI – Unique Student Identifier is a Commonwealth Gov’t Reference, available from

Licensing & Regulatory Requirements

Specific licensing /regulatory requirements relating to this competency, including requirements for refresher training should be obtained from the relevant national/state/territory Work Health and Safety Regulatory Authorities: Safework NSW, Worksafe VIC, Worksafe QLD, Safework SA, WorkSafe WA, Worksafe TAS, NT Worksafe, Worksafe ACT.

This program is conducted over a 6 hour face to face training(not including breaks).May be facilitated at a customer’s site or one of our Training Centers – Please call to inquire.

Assessment is conducted by the below methods:

Multiple choice & short answer questions
Practical scenarios with verbal questioning identifying reporting common construction hazards, understanding basic risk control measures, and identifying procedures for responding to potential incidents and emergencies. It also covers correctly selecting and fitting common personal protective equipment (PPE) used for construction work.

On successful completion participants will be issued
with a Statement of Attainment with the following
CPCWHS1001 Work safely in the construction
State and Territory Health and Safety regulators
may issue a card directly to your address.

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